In the modern age, protecting means preserving the value of your work and assets. With 3YO GUN, you not only answer the call of prevention, but you do so with cutting-edge technology.

Perfect nebulisation, impeccable protection
3YO GUN is meticulously engineered to spread the revolutionary 3YO TS liquid, creating a strong and long-lasting barrier on large surfaces, resistant to heat, sparks and oxidation.

Unparalleled Ease of Use
Designed with obsessive attention to practicality: a rechargeable battery, an intuitive design, and a minimalist configuration for always flawless application without complications.

Exclusive Compatibility
3YO GUN works in total symbiosis exclusively with 3YO TS, 3YO Technology’s 100% natural liquid designed for high efficiency in large-scale protection.

Short and Long Term Benefits:

• Extended Durability: 3YO GUN with 3YO TS Multiply the life of your sheet metal support bench for laser and plasma cutting by optimizing its operational continuity. Minimizes interruptions, substantially reduces material and labor costs for the renewal of sheet metal support benches and ensures extraordinary productivity for your cutting system
• Continuous Protection: Protects welding tables from sparks and corrosion, keeping the fixing holes clean and functional.
• High Performance: Ensures maximum protection for large surfaces exposed to extreme conditions even in welding processes or exposed to humidity.

For protection that lasts over time, choose 3YO GUN and 3YO TS: the perfect combination of Nature and Technology.

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